Parts & Accessories

Travelling further afield in the UK

14th August 2020 | Andy Torbet
In my last few blogs I’ve discussed the fact that the campsites around the UK were now open and how I had been gradually doing longer and longer trips and moving further and further from home.
Preparing for the journey

Initially it was an overnighter to a campsite a mere 16 miles from my house. Then a weekend. Then a full eight days in the Brecon Beacons which was, however, still a relatively short ninety minute cruise from Chateau de Torbet.

The campsites are getting into the swing of things, learning how to deal with current guidelines and opening up more and more facilities. This, coupled with our own growing confidence in our ability to venture out and, should the need arise, quickly return home – making the most of the freedom and independence offered by our motorhomes – means now is a good time to consider traveling further afield.

To clarify I am talking within the UK here. Travelling abroad still has its issues, some destination more than others. This includes potential border closures, ferry disruptions, obligatory isolation on entry and/or return. So, for the time being, I’m looking at embarking upon longer trips within the British borders. Although this is much simpler than foreign travel there are still a few things to consider.

There are many outdoor activities that can be accessed in the UK

Divergent National Policies

I live on the English-Welsh border so am very aware that the rules when I pick the kids up from school are different from those when I visit the supermarket. I will not be listing the current rules in each of our four countries as they are very fluid and anything I write will be out of date by the time I’ve hit ‘save’.

So, before you set off, check the rules of shopping, visiting attraction, pubs and restaurants and movement in general for the area you are heading to. The campsite(s) you’ll visit should be a good source of up-to-date, local information so they’d be my first port of call.

Make sure your campsite and surrounding areas will have all the facilities available that you might need

Campsite facilities

Whilst we’re on the subject of calling the campsites it would be worth, whilst you’re on the phone to them, asking about any changes, restriction or closures to their normal operations. Not all campsites have been able to open all their facilities so arming yourself with this knowledge before you go means you and pack and plan accordingly.

Localised Lockdowns

As I write we have only three localised lockdowns in place in the UK. It’s worth checking the government website to ensure any new or existing areas won’t disrupt your plans. Clearly if an area is in lockdown it should be avoided.

You can check the latest government advice here

Make sure the area you are planning to visit is free of lockdowns before you hit the road


Ferries within the UK are running but all have adopted new rules to deal with the current situation. Policies like the wearing of facemasks on board are becoming commonplace but check the company website for more, specific information and check to make sure any local lockdowns haven’t had an effect on crossings.

Plan B to get home

My intention is to encourage us all to get back out on the road and into the wilds. However, campers tend to be a prepared bunch. We plan routes, pack intelligently, carry spares and repair kits so it would be remiss to overlook the possibility that something could change which would require a change in our trip plans.

I cannot provide a list of all the things to consider as it depends on your personal circumstances. But a little thought to this, albeit unpleasant and hopefully remote, possibility will hopefully alleviate any stress during your trip and, should the worse happen, make the problem solving all the easier and swifter.

With a little planning you can be ready for anything!