Parts & Accessories

The Big British Adventure - Scotland to North Wales

28th July 2020 | Kim & Marcus Leach
Setting off from John O’Groats was a step into the unknown for us. Not only had we never toured in Scotland before, but this was our first trip post-lockdown and we honestly didn’t know what to expect.

Our route was not a conventional one in terms of doing an ‘end-to-end’ trip, but then we have always enjoyed taking the least obvious routes when we are away, finding we have the most unexpected adventures that way.

Unfortunately for Marcus that meant cycling into a pretty horrible head wind for the first three days as we traversed across the north of Scotland and then down the mesmerising west coast. None of us had expectations for what we would encounter, but I don’t think we ever imagined we’d see such staggeringly beautiful landscapes as we did. The only thing missing was some sunshine, which has been in scarce supply so far.

Cycling the Scottish Lochs
Marcus cycling the Scottish Lochs - 205km in one day

Of particular note on the west coast was the Applecross Peninsula, which is just about manageable in a motorhome on some small and remote roads. It can be a little stop start at the passing spaces, but it’s worth it to reach the far corners of Scotland that few people see. As for the view across to Skye, it comes from nowhere but when you see it you have no choice but to stop and marvel, reminding yourself that this is Britain and not New Zealand.

Bailey Autograph on the Scottish roads

Eilean Donan Castle in the Highlands

Back in England our route took us into the heart of the Lake District, a favourite part of the world for us. Many of the best views can’t be reached in the motorhome but thankfully they can on a bike, which meant some seriously tough cycling for Marcus to make it up 30% gradients. Meanwhile Kim spent the day at a wonderful campsite playing with Harrison and Dorothy on the swings and bikes.

Playing on the swings at the campsite
Playing on the swings at the campsite

Marcus cycling in the Lake District

From North Wales, where we are currently stopped for a few days, our journey heads south through the heart of the mountains before crossing back into England and the home stretch to Cornwall. We will be sharing more of that in the next blog.

In terms of safety surrounding COVID-19 we have, on the whole, been incredibly impressed by the precautions sites have been taking to ensure the wellbeing of staff and guests. Most sites have kept facilities other than your hook up, water supply and waste closed, and those that have had them open have had controlled measures to ensure the least number of people using facilities at any given time.

We have just loved being able to stand and talk to other people, sharing tales of travels old and new and for those brief moments forgetting all that’s going on in the world and simply living in the moment.

Our advice is to be safe, be sensible and follow all guidelines in order to have a great travel experience. Hope to see some of you on the road.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, try some of our other UK travel blogs for holiday inspiration in the UK. Why not start with this one on Family fun on and off the campsites in South Devon