Richard and Sandra Fox - A lockdown planning for the adventures ahead
They have christened their new motorhome Bill and you can follow their journey on their Instagram @wandering_with_bill

When did you get your Alliance Silver Edition?
We collected our Bailey Alliance SE on the 2nd December from Continental Leisure Vehicles Ltd in Cross hands, having had to wait for 6 weeks after first Wales, and then England once again went into lockdown. We must commend Continental for the way in which they treated us throughout the whole process, particularly at such a difficult time.
Have you had a caravan or motorhome before?
No, a caravan or motorhome was never on our wish list.

Why did you decide to get one?
Last year we embarked on the holiday of a lifetime, hiring a motorhome to travel around both the North and South islands of New Zealand. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 our five week trip was cut short after two weeks when New Zealand announced an immediate shutdown of their borders, and a banning on all international flights. We had 48 hours to arrange flights home before they imposed an extreme lockdown. We had always planned to travel the UK at some stage but had plans that this may happen in about five years’ time. However with the pandemic and the fact we enjoyed our brief time in the rented motorhome, we decided to change our timings. We thought the idea of the flexibility a motorhome gives us best suited our style of ‘road trip’ style touring.
Who are you planning to go motorhoming with?
It will be predominantly just the two of us, but we plan to meet up with family and friends.

Where did you go on your holidays for the first time in your motorhome?
Due to the current restrictions and the late collection of the motorhome we have only been able to spend a couple of nights away in Dartmoor and Brixham so far.
What do you like the most about motorhoming?
Really it’s the independence, flexibility and freedom. We love travelling rather than staying in one place. Most of our big holidays have been road trips so not having to jump from hotel to hotel every couple of days living out of a suitcase really appealed to us.
What’s your favourite thing or feature in your Allicance SE so far?
We chose the Alliance SE 76-2T because it looks so open and spacious. We like the twin fixed beds, the option of being able to make up a double bed and the washroom being at the back with a separate shower.

What has your motorhome meant to you during the lockdown?
During the restrictions and lockdown since December we have gazed longingly at our brand new Alliance SE sat on our drive and are yearning to get out on some adventures. It’s been cleaned to within an inch of its life!
Have you been using it during the lockdown at home?
We have spent a few nights in it whilst it’s been on our drive just to get used to it and plan how we will best use it once we are able to travel again.
What are your plans for when restrictions are eased? Where would you like to go?
We have already booked a few nights away later in April and are planning a trip around the Brecon Beacons. Looking further ahead our UK bucket list includes Yorkshire, Cumbria, Scotland and Cornwall. Later we hope to venture across the channel into Europe.

If you could take your motorhome anywhere, where would it be? What is in your bucket list?
For real ‘Bucket List’ destinations, we would love to get to Tuscany, Switzerland, The Pyrenees and Sweden. If we include our fantasy destinations these would include a return to New Zealand to finish where we left off and anywhere in the USA.

Thanks to Sandra and Richard for sharing their story with us. You can follow their adventures at @wandering_with_bill
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