Martyn Cutter - Back to caravanning over 20 years later
For him, caravanning holidays haven’t lost their charm, and with all the mod cons of the Unicorn Black Edition Cadiz, everything is a lot more convenient.

When did you get your caravan?
We were lucky to be able to borrow a new Unicorn Black Edition Cadiz from Bailey in July last year.
Have you had a caravan before?
Not as an adult, but I have brilliant memories of my childhood caravan holidays, each year discovering a new part of France with a caravan stuck firmly behind the trusty Rovers and Austins (remember them)? Surfing, cycling, canoeing, table tennis and petanque aplenty. Holidays where you weren’t stuck in one location but could choose where you travelled, making new friends on the way. We often went away at Whitsun and Easter in the caravan too (I remember them all being quite orange or green with floral upholstery – glad to see that’s changed).

These holidays stopped when I was 17 as it was no longer cool to go away with my parents. However, the feeling of freedom of a campsite holiday never left me. I never felt jealous of my friends who were jetting off on package holidays. These vivid memories (of the fun and experiences that caravan holidays brought me growing up) formed part of my excitement when I started working at Bailey almost 3 years ago.
Now, with children of my own, we still love the ability to take our own stuff away with us and spend our holidays on campsites (UK, France and NL), albeit under canvass or in a rented static until this year, when we had the opportunity to borrow one of Bailey’s caravans.
Why did you decide to borrow one?
2020’s lockdown forced us all to think differently and I was delighted to have the opportunity to get away in a Bailey Unicorn Black Edition Cadiz for a week to relive childhood memories.
Who did you go caravanning with?
I went on holidays with my wife Siân and my two kids (6 & 9).

Where did you go?
We chose Lobb Fields in Braunton, North Devon, which last Summer was only receiving visitors who were fully self-sufficient (a big tick for us with the Cadiz!)
Arriving at the campsite the kids couldn’t wait to explore their home for the week; excited to find their own twin beds at the back of the van, and settling in comfortably with teddies and books before anything else in the car was unpacked. They both delighted in putting the steadies down; a job which my brother and I fought over when growing up.
The Prima Air Awning went up like a dream, with none of the routine arguments I remember my parents having about which pole went where and what needed lifting next. In no time we were ready to relax; after the kids had worked out how to fill and connect up the Aquaroll.
We were blessed with gorgeous weather for most of our week, but it wouldn’t be a British holiday without a day or so of rain and drizzle, so a few board games were played in the van to stay dry and warm.

What did you like the most about caravanning? And how did it compare to your childhood memories?
Well, a caravanning holiday hasn’t lost its charm for me, and with all the mod cons it’s a lot more convenient too. I felt like a big child again, this time having to clean the cassette toilet myself though!
What was your favourite feature in the Cadiz?
The storage space afforded to us by the caravan meant we took even more toys than normal. We went cycling up the Tarka Trail to Barnstaple as a family and me on some 30 mile morning cycles before anyone was up (but no-one warned me that flat roads didn’t form part of the North Devon geography!), paddle-boarding wherever we had the opportunity, bodyboarding at Saunton Sands, Croyde and Woolacome plus a few lovely coastal walks (even in the rain) for good measure. And once back at the site the children had the run of the place! They were never bored!

We cooked from our normal repertoire making the best use of the hob and oven, as well as obviously getting the Barbecue out! And in terms of comfort and accommodation… let’s just say the kids didn’t wake us up every morning for a change which must mean they slept well and comfortably.
Would you go caravanning again? Where would you like to go?
I would definitely go caravanning again… I would love to do a tour of the West Coast and Highlands of Scotland in a motorhome and definitely take the bike; the scenery looks stunning. Equally the Swiss and Austrian Alps!
Thanks to Martyn and his family for sharing their story with us.