Czech it out... Taking on Prague in a Bailey Motorhome

Hazel and I have always wanted to travel Europe and after many caravans from Bailey of Bristol, we finally decided to buy a motorhome (the Bailey Autograph 79-4) and escape the rat race of our hometown near Birmingham and spend two years exploring Europe. We left home three months ago along with Lily and Daisy (our Yorkshire Terriers) and have since been to eight different countries – France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg and Poland. The best travelled dogs in our street!
The excitement of being on the open road and the freedom the motorhome has given us meant that we decided not to plan our routes. We’ve met people along the way and changed our direction based on what people have recommended to us. A nice change from the usual 9-5 routine back at home.
Prague is the capital of this very diverse and welcoming country. Our campsite is a convenient 25 minutes to the centre and public transport is both efficient and inexpensive. With the luxury of the four-berth motorhome, it certainly doesn’t feel like we’re missing any comforts from home. By day, we explore and by night, we can sit and watch television along with a nice cup of tea – or a tipple of our choice!

This week in Prague, we met a young family who had flown over for a wedding and a retired lady from Yorkshire, who was a veteran compared to us with a 3-year stint under her belt.
Having a Bailey motorhome, we feel like we’re part of an exclusive club whereby you meet fellow Bailey owners and instantly have a connection. One family we met from Berkshire were enjoying the six weeks holidays travelling around the Czech Republic in their Bailey Approach 745 with their five-year old son.
Recently our daughter flew into Prague airport – a 40-minute taxi ride costing only Kč542 (Czech Koruna), which is approx. £19. The convenience of turning the living area into a double bed meant that our daughter could comfortably enjoy a few days away rather than paying for a hotel. With the separating door for added privacy, the motorhome is suitable for guests who are family or friends.
So what does Prague have to offer? This cosmopolitan city caters for all ages and interests. A pleasant surprise was the accessibility of the city meaning we were able to see many of the free attractions in a day but left us enthusiastic to return.

Getting off the train in the centre of Prague, we headed straight for Charles Bridge – one of our must see attractions. However, upon walking down past Wenceslas Square, we came across the little gem of Prague’s Old Town, where we sat with a coffee and watched the world go by.
After Several hours of exploring this magnificent city, we finally came to Charles Bridge. A popular tourist spot, but lacking the unique ambience of a secluded plaza, we ventured down the river and came across Marina Ristorante. Ordering cocktails, we had the best view of Prague castle – one that the bridge did not offer due to the crowds of people.

The Czech Republic is a wonderful place to visit – good value for money, excellent public transport links, and friendly people… well worth a visit! Czech it out!
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