Bailey of Bristol continues its support of the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme

In total, Bailey, this year, has donated £15,060 to the Woodland Trust to plant 2,008 native trees in the UK to capture their unavoidable carbon emissions. These trees can potentially absorb 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) throughout their lifetime.
The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, which has been protecting, restoring, and creating native woods and trees in the UK for over fifty years. To assist with the funding of their work, they have established their own Woodland Carbon scheme to enable companies and individuals in the UK to capture greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by helping to create new native woodland in the UK, which, in time, will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
Every year, the Woodland Trust plants millions of trees across the UK on their estate and other private land, selecting the most appropriate species at the correct densities in the areas where they will make the most significant impact to deliver the best possible outcomes for both climate and biodiversity.
As a result, they can help businesses go above and beyond the usual climate commitments, taking into account whole ecosystems, landscapes, and catchments for the long term, locking up carbon and creating habitats for wildlife.
For further information on the work of the Woodland Trust and their nature-based Woodland Carbon scheme, click here.

Bailey of Bristol’s aim is to become a NetZero business by 2050, and its participation in this scheme is the latest in several initiatives that the company has already undertaken to make it a more sustainable operation, more information on which can be found via the following: LINK.
These include manufacturing lighter and more thermally efficient leisure vehicles, installing new solar panels and low-energy lighting systems, switching to the use of renewable energy supplies, and introducing new waste reduction and recycling programmes.

Commenting on this latest development, Managing Director Nick Howard said, “We are delighted to be supporting the fantastic work of the Woodland Trust with this donation.
We know that many of our caravan and motorhome owners enjoy visiting the Woodland Trust sites when they are away with their vehicles, and it is important that we do everything we can as a business to help preserve these natural habitats.
Bailey will continue donating to the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme annually as part of the positive action we want to take to help safeguard the environment for the future.”

*Bailey Caravans Ltd has donated £15,060.00 to the Woodland Trust, a company limited by guarantee (Company Number: 1982873) and a registered charity, Charity Number England and Wales: No. 294344, Scotland No. SC038885, whose registered office is at Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 6LL, to absorb 502 tonnes of carbon dioxide, through the planting of at least 2,008 trees, helping with our strategy to reduce its business carbon footprint.
The carbon units purchased through this scheme are publicly registered under the Woodland Carbon Code, the UK’s standard for woodland creation projects that are financed by the sale of carbon units. This government-led code, developed in conjunction with, among others, the Forestry Commission and DEFRA, encourages a consistent approach to woodland carbon projects and offers clarity and transparency about the carbon savings financial contributions will achieve.
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