Parts & Accessories

Bailey completes first phase of site redevelopment

31st May 2017 | Bailey Of Bristol
Bailey has completed the initial phase of the redevelopment programme of its 14.5 acre South Liberty Lane premises with a complete upgrade of its on-site component handling facility.
Bailey Of Bristol Replenishment Centre interior
Over 1,200 lines of component stock can be stored at any one time in the new building

As a leading UK leisure vehicle manufacturer, Bailey holds approximately 1,200 different components in stock at any one time, equating to on average £2.5 million in value. The new purpose-built 1,600m2 Replenishment Centre generates 300% more storage space than previously and allows for all component stock to be held inside under a single roof for the first time. The total cost of this phase of the programme was £ 2.5 Million.

The inside of the building has been fitted out with the latest racking systems, including gravity feed storage for batched components to maximise the available internal space, whilst investment in new materials handling equipment and a computer controlled inventory system will improve logistical efficiency and the component flow to the production line.

Currently, Bailey turns over its stock inventory on average every 8 working days, putting the company in to the top 5% of manufacturers world-wide in terms of turnover ratios. In order to maintain this impressive level of performance, Bailey requires the additional investment to cope with increases in both production volumes and component variety as the company looks to expand its range of leisure vehicles.

As the first phase of the new South Liberty Lane regeneration programme, the new Replenishment Centre also sets the tone in terms of the site architecture and landscaping. The modern industrial scheme proposed will help to create a better working environment for new and existing employees as well as improving the company’s physical presence in the local area. In addition, the opening of a second site entrance adjacent to the new building for goods inwards deliveries will improve traffic flow both on and off site.

Bailey Of Bristol Replenishment Centre interior
Latest racking systems allow the most efficient use of interior space

Commenting on this new investment, Managing Director Nick Howard said;

“The complexity of modern caravans and motorhomes means we are having to control the supply of an ever-increasing number of vehicle parts. Our new £ 2.5 million Replenishment Centre facility will provide us capability to handle this volume of components in a more efficient manner to help improve productivity and reduce business overheads.”

“The completion of the Replenishment Centre is the first phase of the company’s five year investment plan to develop Europe’s most advanced caravan production plant here in South Bristol” he added.

Bailey Of Bristol Replenishment Centre Laura and Jason Kenny
Laura and Jason Kenny were one of the first visitors to the new Replenishment Centre when they returned from their 'motorhomeymoon' last autumn

Bailey Of Bristol Replenishment Centre Marvin Rees
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees also joined us recently to witness first hand our continuing contribution to the economy of the city

Bailey Of Bristol Replenishment Centre exterior
The Replenishment Centre is the first part of the redevelopment scheme which aims to enhance the local environment for both employees and residents

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