A week in wonderful Wales

She was absolutely beside herself when we told her that for half term, rather than staying in (her words) a “boring house”, we would be travelling in a ‘home from home’ on four wheels. It was like Christmas had come half a year early and the biggest challenge for us as we prepared for the holiday was keeping her – and our – enthusiasm at manageable levels until the day came for us to embark on this amazing adventure.

As former professional athletes and being a couple who love to travel, Tom and I are fortunate to have journeyed all over the world, swimming, cycling, running and very occasionally relaxing … and, more recently, have been able to bring Esme along for the ride. Whilst we have been able to see far flung corners of the globe, there really is nothing better than exploring closer to home, whether that be the UK or venturing across the channel to Europe. If the past year has taught us anything, it is to value what we have on our own doorstep: the mind-blowing beauty of the landscapes, the diversity of the scenery, the changes in the seasons, the different cultures and ways of living and the phenomenal adventures that can be had without racking up thousands of miles.

Even if restrictions hadn’t been in place around foreign travel, Tom and I were keen to spend our daughter’s half term holiday in the UK, making the most of what this country has to offer and creating lasting memories for our family by connecting a little bit more closely with nature and with each other. And so we found ourselves on the last day of the school term packed and ready to embark on a trip into Wales. Not just any old trip, but one in a four berth Bailey Autograph 74-4. We had spent the previous day loading this wow-factor motorhome with everything we thought we might need, including of course our obligatory travelling companion – The Bailey Bear.

If you’re looking for more suggestions for family trips in a caravan or motorhome, take a look at our post on Family fun on and off the campsites in South Devon
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