A long weekend at the Caravan & Motorhome Club National Event Part 2

And the sun was shining again. Happy faces with lots of people roaming around and plenty of activities kicking off in the main arena. The club shop opened daily from 8am with people queued up outside waiting for the morning paper rush!
As we cooked breakfast for ourselves that morning, when lunch rolled around we decided to explore the fast food on offer and opted for a very tasty hog roast roll. Considering we were at an event, prices for food and drink were great value for money.
As the day progressed, our water tank was getting low again! It is amazing how quick a couple of showers, washing the dishes and a few toilet flushes use up the water. It was time for another top up of the water tank utilising the Colapz products yet again. We ended our evening with yet another BBQ and open fire provided by the Prima Leisure team, with a few beers thrown in for good measure! Someone also had the bright idea(!) of washing the dishes before bedtime, which was made very easy with the colapz portable rechargeable shower unit and 35L utility bag for our water source!

The sunshine continued. There was a big cycling event, so the club shop and arena was quiet early on, but picked up as the day warmed up and the various events and entertainment started. With things a little quiet in the morning, I took the opportunity to do a few bits around the motorhome.
Having noticed a small blue light by the toilet flush, I thought to myself that I hadn’t seen this before. After investigating it further, and thinking the toilet was not flushing as efficiently as before, I quickly concluded it was time to get my hands dirty!

Luckily, the previous day I had spotted someone taking their toilet waste unit to one of the mobile waste disposal units. I had watched what he was doing very carefully, so knew what I had to do when the time came for us to empty the waste. I must say, it was very easy to remove, transport and empty/clean the unit. The great thing about the toilet waste was that it didn’t need attending to every day. The day was finished off with yet another BBQ, and even more beers, so an eventful and fun day for all concerned.
The final day of the show. Noticeably less people around, as many were preparing to pack up and head home. The entertainment continued and it was the day for the dogs in the main arena. I have never seen so many dogs in one place apart from when I went to Crufts! It seems most visitors had a dog or even two, and a right mix of breeds too.
As the sun continued to shine and the day warmed up, the Colapz 35L utility bag was one of the star attractions for the dogs, with many stopping off at the club shop for a break. Very quickly the day started to disappear. It was time for one final top-up of the on-board tank, so lunch could be completed and everything washed up before we packed up.

So, would we go in a motorhome again? Yes, but we would need good access to local transport. One of the advantages of a caravan is having the freedom to go out for the day, and not having to pack everything up. So access to local buses would be important. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, with all the mod cons of having a fridge, cooker, microwave, shower, toilet, TV, water and heating! It was a real home-from-home.
Thank you to Bailey of Bristol for the loan of the Autograph 68-2 motorhome and having the opportunity to experience using the unit at one of the biggest and oldest caravan & motorhome events. We are already starting to think about booking our space for next year at Ragley Hall, Alcester.
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